It’s not just about the destination

The feeling of packing last minute, calling an Uber to pick me up, finding my way through a busy airport and getting comfortable in my window seat are all things I enjoy about traveling. These things may be contrary to popular belief but for me, It’s not always even about making it to my travel destination. I like the process of getting there. It’s something profound about knowing what it took for me to get to my destination. When I land, it’s a feeling I can’t quite describe. Maybe I feel… accomplished? That’s what we’ll go with for now. Which is odd but that’s how I feel when I land. I say all of this to say.. in life we have the ultimate vision of being somewhere. Somewhere looks different for everyone. It could be a destination, a certain place financially, a specific job, etc. Right now, you may be on the journey to get “somewhere”. Just remember to appreciate the process and the journey. Find joy in the little things you’re doing to help you get to your destination. When you get there you’ll feel even more accomplished. ✊🏾💯

